Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I completed this graphic for the November issue of The Torch newsmagazine. It is a representation of the  possibility of new district lines being drawn for the Cedar Rapids Community School District. I chose to go for an abstract representation of redistricting as opposed to the literal map. I drew the puzzle pieces with the pen tool on Adobe Illustrator. The texture came from a live trace of an image then using the subtract from back pathfinder tool. 

The concept for this graphic was thought up by Amy Brause. The story is about a student magician. I created the cards on Adobe Illustrator using simple shapes and the pen tool. Then I used a photo of the student as the top card. The purple from the student's tie is carried throughout the layout to create consistency.

There has been a recent outpour of cyberbullying at Kennedy. This in-depth feature takes a look at the effects of cyberbullying on various levels such as psychoanalytical and law enforcement. I took the photos for this spread and doctored them in Adobe Photoshop. I used a layer mask to create the cloudy effect and altered the levels as well as brightness to create the focus on the computer screen. I came up with the headline, "cyber warfare" to represent the package. I loved the way this spread came together. 

Our women's swim team made their way to the state tournament in Marshalltown, Iowa this year. Sarah Sickles and I traveled to the YMCA in Marshalltown to shoot the event. This was a rather last minute story that pushed back when our publication was to be sent to press. The photos were a challenge to take seeing as pools generally don't have the most appealing lighting. I enjoyed the new experience, nonetheless. A swim meet is something different than any other sporting event. I was glad to have witnessed it and spent the day shooting. 

Homecoming week always holds numerous opportunities to shoot great photos. Lots of action and school spirit takes place throughout the entirety of the week. I took hundreds of photos at the powderpuff football game. Two photos are shown here (top left and bottom right). I loved these photos because they show great genuine emotion. The lighting was also fantastic during the games. I had a great time shooting. I was happy to be behind the lens as opposed to on the field. Much more me. 

Concerns raised upon the recent spike of concussion related accidents has lead to a new set of guidelines regarding recovery for Kennedy students. This package was featured in the health section of the first issue of the Torch. I was extremely happy with how it turned out. I got the idea to make it seem as though it was created on a football play board. I created the graphic in Adobe Photoshop. I used multiple filters and layer masks to create the chalkboard effect. I then drew the brain and text using the brush tool. It took some time to create, but it was worth it. 

This entire package regarding the New Bohemia district and Czech Village of Cedar Rapids was featured in the latest issue of the Torch. The first two images are the inside spread of the Arts and Entertainment section of the Torch that features the actual story. The third image is the front cover and the final image is the back page. I chose to put this story on the cover as opposed to a cover representing the cyberbullying coverage. I felt as if this story better reflected our community and chose to not draw more attention to the cyberbullying incident. I got the inspiration for the visuals from the opening scene of Juno. I took photos in New Bohemia and the Czech Village one afternoon. I was literally laying in the street on 3rd Ave to capture the images. My mother who tagged along was not too amused with that. I applied a filter to the photo in Photoshop then cut out the building. Next I drew the background to create a whimsical depiction of the area. I created consistency by using the same design aesthetic and coloring throughout. The back page always has the same design, only the logo changes color according to the front page. I am rather obsessed with this cover. It took a lot of time to create and perfect. But I am proud of the outcome.