Tuesday, November 15, 2011

This entire package regarding the New Bohemia district and Czech Village of Cedar Rapids was featured in the latest issue of the Torch. The first two images are the inside spread of the Arts and Entertainment section of the Torch that features the actual story. The third image is the front cover and the final image is the back page. I chose to put this story on the cover as opposed to a cover representing the cyberbullying coverage. I felt as if this story better reflected our community and chose to not draw more attention to the cyberbullying incident. I got the inspiration for the visuals from the opening scene of Juno. I took photos in New Bohemia and the Czech Village one afternoon. I was literally laying in the street on 3rd Ave to capture the images. My mother who tagged along was not too amused with that. I applied a filter to the photo in Photoshop then cut out the building. Next I drew the background to create a whimsical depiction of the area. I created consistency by using the same design aesthetic and coloring throughout. The back page always has the same design, only the logo changes color according to the front page. I am rather obsessed with this cover. It took a lot of time to create and perfect. But I am proud of the outcome. 

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