Sunday, November 13, 2011

Letter from the editor

It is soon to be 11:11 on 11/11/11. Let’s be real, that’s kind of a big deal. (Don’t worry, if you miss the AM edition, there is always the PM) That’s right, it’s the ultimate day of wishes. In this spirit, I have compiled my own list of eleven (excessive? I’m American) wishes that I would like to have granted right nowish.

  1. The perfect (p)leather dress. Is that too much for a girl to ask for? Animal friendly of course, which leads me to my next wish….
  2. Vegetarian options at KHS. Sometimes (everyday) I don’t get to make it home for lunch and instead sit in the Torch Mac lab during my lunch hour. I would like to be able to eat something other than pretzels for once. It’s like, where did the popcorn go?
  3. Seth Cohen. I mean, I don’t really know if much explanation is needed. Seth Cohen, marry me?
  4. That every student would visit the Torch website at least once a week. It has great content that is updated every week. Check it out at (follow us on twitter while you’re at it).
  5. Everyone to experience a tech-free day. Is the every fifteen-minute Facebook check really necessary? Unplug yourself for the day. Write a letter for a change. Take a breath of air.
  6. More Troy Boltons in this world. Go for the HSM (High School Musical for those not in on the lingo) risk; try something completely new and outside your comfort zone. You have to risk it to get the biscuit, right?
  7. An acceptance letter. It would be kind of sweet to get into school next year. Colleges, get at me.
  8. A day without the pressure. We are all trying to balance a ka-jillion activities along with our AP (insert name here) class and not to mention our struggle of maintaining some sort of social life. A day of just living would be nice for a change.
  9. For Torch to once again be the most fun publication staff at the JEA convention next week. (Sometimes the keynote speaker calls out a group for their revolving door habits to the entire national convention. We are fun.)
  10. To bring home even more state titles. Yes, journalism kids win state titles too. Where is our banner?
  11. Endless supply of coffee. Is a personal barista possible? That fourth hour caffeine crash is the worst. I would love to be that thriving creature you see first hour, all day.

That’s it. That’s all I wish for. (I hope the whole, ‘you can’t say your wish out loud or it doesn’t come true’ thing doesn’t apply here…) It’s 11/11/11 Kennedy High School, so make a wish.  

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