Tuesday, November 15, 2011

October letter from the editor

I have always been one to take comfort in tradition. I find a familiar routine to be strangely welcoming. Although I love the familiarity of a good tradition, I am also willing to take on change. How contradictory, no? But the thing is, change means progress. Let’s face it, the world is continuously moving around us, and we have to be flexible enough to adapt and embrace change.
I for one am receiving my fair share of change this year. For starters, it’s senior year (142 days left, seniors). This means us as the class of 2012 is entering adulthood and making adult decisions. Like for instance, what we plan on doing for the rest of our lives. Terrifying, right? Change can also be found in simplest of aspects such as the new regional manager of Dunder Mifflin in the television show, “The Office”. (I love you, Andy, but I do miss my “that’s what she said” jokes).  
Perhaps one of the more glaringly obvious changes to occur can be seen in the colored glossy pages you are flipping through right now. The Torch is stepping up this year and venturing into the vast unknown of the newsmagazine. Along with our new print version of the Torch, you can now also keep up to date through our multiple web sources. (Follow us on Twitter @kennedytorch, I dare you). Last, but not least, I am welcoming the new face of Stacy Haynes-Moore. She has a legacy to follow, but she has already impressed me beyond means. And not to mention she already understands my perfectionist tendencies.
With all of this change surrounding us, I leave you with a bit of advice. Embrace change. Take it head on and see where it carries you. Change is inevitable and can lead to great things. It signifies progress. Look for ways to change up your life (Clearly my sense of rambling has yet to change). So in closing, bring it on 2011-2012 school year. I am ready for the change. 

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